#HistoriesOfBombay - The City Through My Lens: Online Talk By Anushka Gupta: Talk 161

Date: 10-Dec-2022 | Time: 18:00:00

- INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)



#HistoriesOfBombay - The City Through My Lens: Online Talk By Anushka Gupta: Talk 161

Date: 10-Dec-2022 | Time: 18:00:00

INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

Mumbai is a city of stories, of histories, of cities within a city. Historian-poet Anushka Gupta has delved deep into the heritage and architecture of the city, tracing origins and exploring the city’s history and cultural fabric, to unearth Mumbai’s hidden gems through her lens - an anthology of historical works, about the city of seven islands. At our Online Talk #HistoriesOfBombay, she takes us back in time, through photographs and words, to capture the essence of the city.

About the speaker

Anushka Gupta is a historian, writer, branding professional and storyteller, and runs a branding firm called ‘StoryoftheBrand'. She is deeply passionate about archiving Bombay’s histories, and writes about city stories through her decade-long work on researching heritage and architecture. She has authored a poetry book titled ‘Visual Words’ and is bringing out another book ‘Histories of Bombay’ on the city.

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