#AutoBiography - A History Of The Automobile In India: Online Talk By Gautam Sen: Talk 159

Date: 26-Nov-2022 | Time: 18:00:00

- INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)



#AutoBiography - A History Of The Automobile In India: Online Talk By Gautam Sen: Talk 159

Date: 26-Nov-2022 | Time: 18:00:00

INR 0/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

India has had one of the richest historic vehicle and automotive cultures in Asia. Our country’s special relationship with the automobile in its many facets has been distinctive, whether it be the interaction of the individual to the car or the motorcycle, whether the industry, or whether the erstwhile maharajas and their enduring passion for fine cars and craftsmanship. At our Online Talk #AutoBiography, automotive expert Gautam Sen will trace the history of the automobile focussing on India and narrate India's historic love affair with vehicles of all kinds.


About the speaker

Gautam Sen founded the country’s first newsstand car magazine Indian Auto in 1986, followed by Auto India in 1993 and the Indian editions of Auto Motor und Sport and BBC’s TopGear magazine. He has been directly involved with the automobile industry in India and Europe, and led the design and development of India’s first sports car, the San Storm. He has also authored several critically acclaimed and internationally award winning books on automobiles.

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