#Storytelling4Kids - How To Create A Riveting Tale - An Online Workshop by Katie Bagli

Date: 30-May-2021 | Time: 11:00:00

- INR 399/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)



#Storytelling4Kids - How To Create A Riveting Tale - An Online Workshop by Katie Bagli

Date: 30-May-2021 | Time: 11:00:00

INR 399/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

A Khaki Kids’ 1st Anniversary special How do you tell a riveting story? Through voice modulation, body movements, facial expressions, props and interacting with the audience. At Khaki Kids’ 1st Anniversary Special workshop #Storytelling4Kids, nature lover and children’s author Katie Bagli will make children understand these storytelling skills, show them how to make simple props and puppets, and get them to tell their own stories using their props. It promises to be fun.

Age Group: 9-14 years

Duration: 1.5 hours

About the trainer

Katie Bagli is an avid nature lover. Her fondness for flora and fauna began at a very early age. As a child, she would delight in rearing caterpillars and watch them metamorphose into butterflies. She now gives expression to her passion by writing for children. She has several published titles to her credit, nearly all of which are on various subjects of nature.  She writes for children’s magazines too. Besides writing, Katie also enjoys illustrating her own books. Her books have been recommended for general reading in schools and also to college students of zoology.

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