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#Oomerkhadee: Walk 686

Date: 26-Nov-2023 | Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00

- INR 599/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

Starting Point

Ajwaa Sweets, Dongri, Mumbai, nishan pada road, opposite noor masjid.

#Oomerkhadee: Walk 686

Date: 26-Nov-2023 | Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00

INR 599/- PER PERSON (All inclusive)

Where today run the rails of the Central Railway between Byculla and Sandhurst Road stations was a creek that separated two of the seven islands of Bombay. Named Umbarkhadi after the fig trees surrounding it, it also gave its name to a village besides it - Umerkhadi. As the city developed, the village became a city precinct - a melting pot of communities with Hindus, Christians, Jews, Siddis, Afghans and others. At the turn of the 18th century, Umerkhadi became the site for the Jail and Gallows of the city that survive even to this day. Join us for a walk through the winding lanes of this forgotten precinct to discover traces of its past.

1.5 Hours
1 Kms


  • A Gujarati Saint from Africa

  • The musclemen of Bombay
  • The Execution Point
  • First Bankers of Pakistan
  • 101 Days of Prison
  • A Church from the ruins of a Cathedral
  • The House of Hope
  • The Amar Akbar Anthony Chowk
  • And of course, the village of Oomerkhadee!

Booking Closed